Tuesday, November 26, 2013

So Long Seth

Despite a Saturday night cold front and nasty rain, I hopped in my car (the hot mess express as I like to refer to it) and set my sights on Gruene Hall.  Hopefully by now you should know that Saturday was going to Seth James last day as a member of The Departed. If you didn't and I spoiled some surprise or sprung disappointment on you, oops.  A few years back I was in the audience for the first departed show at Gruene. I counted myself lucky to be part of a sold out show to say goodbye.

Upon my arrival to the hall I was quickly greeted to the blues and delightfully smooth vocals of Aaron Stephens. Aaron has been playing at Billy's Ice every Wednesday night for a while now if I am not mistaken.  I haven't had the chance to see Aaron but I knew he had been winning over fans quite a bit lately.  It is not everyday you get to see someone make a debut performance at such a historical place.  I would like to think one day I when Aaron makes it big and wins Grammy awards, I can remind you I saw his first show at Gruene Hall.  It looks there was a video made about this night being shared on the book of faces.  I picked up a copy of his EP while I was at the show and have been listening to it all week. I did some checking and you can get the EP on ITunes, Lonestar Music, and of course at the shows.

There was truly an electric feeling to the festivities this evening. When Seth, Cody, Jeremy, Steve, and Chris hit the stage it was bittersweet.  They wasted no time getting into the rock and roll.  I have to admit while I have always been a ragweed Canada fan - having him and Seth together was really one of my favorite things about the band.  It will be a little weird to not hear Prayer for the lonely and Demons in the normal set list.  I, however have always wanted a follow up to Seth's last record That Kind of Man.  The Departed as it is now will be bringing back some Ragweed tunes that the die hard fans have missed since their hiatus. It is safe to say Cody will probably we working on new tunes for another record if he hasn't been already.  Also be on the look out for Cody and Stoney to go back out on the road for an acoustic run.  It is coming through Floores just before Christmas.  Just a hint for anyone looking to get me a gift.   I mentioned a moment on my personal Facebook page, but I have to share here anyway.  Seth did an amazing version of Sweet Lord.  It was probably one of the most moving things I have witnessed. Gruene Hall has bared witness to many moments of musical history I wish I could compile a documentary on all them. To be in the hall when Seth sang that song gave me a very peaceful feeling.  I looked around the crowd and you could see how this song was making people feel. There were tears in the eyes of even the toughest men as he sang.  I was hoping I could find you some better quality YouTube videos but  I didn't see any that were uploaded yet. The guys finished the night with a goodbye song that seemed fitting, Keep on Rocking in the Free World.   Keep on Rocking Seth.  I will be here waiting for new tunes with the rest of your fans. 




Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday News

Hey Friends.  So are you still out there?  I feel like I took an insane amount of time away from the highway.  I needed some time to sit at home, drink, and wallow for a period.  I went to some shows.  I listened to new stuff coming out.  Nothing really wowed me.  It wasn't that the new music was terrible or that I wasn't enjoying shows.  I just didn't have anything left to say...Plus I was also reading a lot of other blogs and was becoming increasingly more self conscience about this little highway and if it was even making any difference or if what I even said mattered.  (I deal with a lot of self doubt at any given moment.) During this time I was also reading a lot of writers who were talking about the demise of "the scene".    I was in a land of nothing. I would sit down at this computer open up to the blogger page and nothing would come.  There was plenty that I should have been sharing.  Things like the worthy kickstarters from guys like Manzy Lowry, Steve Roloff, and James Pardo's pre release sales of American Lotus.  Also missing acoustic and full band things happening that there was no reason for me to miss.  During this writer block period I got to meet some really cool people. Guys like Larry Joe Taylor and the band members of The Great Divide.

Anyway so what changed? What pulled me out of this funk? I am not really sure today.  All I know is I got my mojo back.  I found that little purpose that made me come back to the highway.  So as I sit here on my patio listening to the Cody Canada acoustic disk watching my dogs herd cows in the field I once again found my joy in story telling and what inspires writers.  I look forward to a full week of shows again.  I am hoping to catch Will Hoge Thursday, Jamie Wilson and Courtney Patton on Friday, and be there as Seth James says his goodbye to the Departed on Saturday. All this while preparing for a week long trip to Steamboat for music and good time with friends.  I look forward to seeing some old friends out at shows again and taking in new sights and sounds.  See ya'll around

Also how cute is this hat on Cash?! 
A little hint...I'm planning on a pup Christmas photo...Don't tell him that.